Friday, October 29, 2010

what do you want to be for Halloween?


No, really, I had my own little crying jag, and pity party.

I thought that I was doing ok, I called my parents to have Max tell them his news about his science fair project, Mom was busy, getting ready for the family party, so we talked to Dad. Mostly I let Max tell the news, I was getting dinner started. I told Max to tell them to have a great time, I made stuffed peppers...

We had a very nice dinner, everyone ate, no one complained, it really was nice.
Max was invited to a birthday party at 7, the girls were invited to a birthday party for tomorrow and we needed to get a gift. So Max and the girls and I hopped in the car, I took Max to his party. Other parents were dropping off their sons, and they were dressed up for a party... The other parents were invited to a Halloween party... My family is having a Halloween party 1100 miles away...
I took the girls to the devil store, and they proceeded to play with and want to buy EVERY Barbie and Disney Princess item on the entire aisle!! Then we went over to the coloring books, and THAT is what we got. I wandered around the groceries trying to plan ahead... I ended up just being tired of being there! By the time I got out to the car, I so wanted to be somewhere else... a Halloween party? Idaho? I was sad, feeling lonely and left out.
Once at home, I cried over the dinner dishes...
I thought that these were juvenile emotions that you grow out of... NOPE. Just move somewhere and have to make new friends, miss all the friendships that had been building for 12 yrs. Miss family ... Oh, how weird that it all made me cry on the night of a Halloween party that had been a tradition for... for... FOREVER!! I miss you all... so much that it's spooky! tee hee *sniff, sniff*
Love you all, wish I was there!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

6th grade science fair

Max had to complete a science fair project for his science class. He did a great job! It was our first experience with a science fair, he grew some beans. Ask him about it, and what he learned... His display looked really nice and he had a good presentation of the 14 days that he kept track of his bean plants. Tonight there was a dinner at the school, they had a science expo, and they announced school winners of the science fair. We left Lance home with the triplets, and Kary and Max and I went to the dinner. We looked at some of the projects on display, there were over 800 of them for the entire school (6th, 7th, and 8th grade). Max wanted to hear the winners, so we mosied through the crowded gym for 45 min. To all of our surprise, Max won a first place in the category of botany!! Wowee!! We are so proud of him, great work, Max!

He got a lovely medal, and he can compete in the region at Portales, NM in Feb. We don't know where Portales is... But hey, what a great experience. Congratulations Max!!